Friday 19 December 2014

Keep dreaming and working

If you have a dream protect it from all the negative people in your life. They are so negative because their insecurities and broken dreams are giving them nightmares when they look at you and when they look in the mirror. You failed a couple of times, SO WHAT! You made a couple of mistakes, SO WHAT! The only thing that matters is that you keep trying and pushing to make your dream a reality.
Nobody said or made promises that it is going to be easy, but surely it will be worth it. If they say negative things towards your dreams and aspirations, please tell them they have no right to comment on yours if theirs are in pieces or stagnant.
I came to realise that people who are working on their dreams are generally positive and supportive towards others’ dreams. They help others in achieving theirs. On the contrary, I came to realise that negative people (in most cases it are people very close to you) either gave up theirs or they fear yours might end up like theirs.
This is one of the biggest mistakes of most friends, family and parents. You share an idea or dream with them and the first words they utter are: ‘it will not work.’ This is the last thing you want to hear especially since you already know the risks; and when these words are uttered it shatters the last bit of confidence you had into a million pieces. What parents, family, guardians and spouses do not realise is that they are systematically sabotaging the future of their children, family members and spouses. A little bit of positivity is all the person needs to get him or her going.
I remember back in 2006 when I had to make a decision whether I must register the next year or not, I needed only two people’s positive reactions to get me into action. There were those who were negative but I needed the confirmation of two people. The first was my Grandmother and the second was Ant Lenie.
Of the two I expected my Grandmother to be the most critical but when I mentioned it to her, her first and only words on the subject were: my kind gaan studeer (my child go study). It was exactly the same response I got from Ant Lenie, and so I registered in 2007 and since then graduated thrice.
You really do not help anyone by being negative if they came to you with their dreams. You must be flattered because that person trusts you! You have two choices either say nothing or motivate that person. If you decide to motivate and support that person, please make sure they answer these questions to themselves before they start their dreams.
The first is why the person wants to do it? It is important the person answer this question because it will keep the person going when they are experiencing difficulties. The second is how would it add value to his or her life? Not all value is monetary, some are intrinsic. Thus make sure the person knows what he or she will be getting from the dream because that will keep them going. Finally, ask the person whether he or she is willing to take the sacrifices that come with pursuing the dream. Pursuing any dream is not easy and there will come days when you feel like giving up. Make sure the person understand this.

These questions are merely a guide but a good way of encouraging someone to start his or her dream. Remember some people were laughed at when they said they want to go to the moon, build an aeroplane, a telephone, a car, etc. Your best response to negativity must be success. 

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