Monday 21 April 2014

Voting Lottery as an alternative to Spoiled Ballots

I am a patriotic South African and that is why I am going to vote, However, I have quite a dilemma - I do not know who I am going to vote for. As a student of politics, please spare me the rhetoric/bullsh*t of spoiled ballot or voting for the opposition parties.

My vote is no secret but still my choice.

Thus, here is my dilemma. I am a greater South African than I am an ANC supporter, and currently I cannot give my vote to the Zuma led ANC. The Zuma led ANC is morally bankrupt and think we South Africans are stupid. I am not stupid and hence will not vote for the ANC.

I would have voted for the EFF but I cannot trust an economic freedom fighter with Lious Vuitton shoes. The contradiction is way to big and like the Zuma led ANC the Malema led EFF think we South Africans are stupid. I know the EFF attract a lot of the poor angry youth with its rethoric but, unfortunately, for me actions speaks louder than words.

I will never vote for the DA because Helen Zille is racial insensitive, and too middleclass for my liking. In addition to this, the DA leadership does not reflects its membership. Once again I cannot vote for a party who thinks black, coloured and Indian people are stupid. If you do not believe me take a closer look at its policies, leadership structure and membership. Once again I am not stupid.

I will also never vote for Agang and the Cope. Both middleclass parties that are very elitist in their approach. They do not speak the language of the poor but the language of the middleclass. My friends and family are still in the working class and hence, my reason not to vote for them

So my last hope is with the ACDP. Not the strongest party but at least I can somehow relate to it. The party was not rocked by any large scandals. So they are a strong maybe and if they also dissapoint me I will close my eyes and random choose a party from the list and vote for it.

And know the ANC, the EFF, the DA, the Agang and the Cope members and supporters will be sitting on May 7 with their fingers crossed hoping they will be the lucky one in my lottery. With this I still have the power to choose whoever I like or not like.

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