I had to write this after the latest ‘shitty’ incident in
Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Based on a discussion I had with my colleagues today I
realised that what happened in Khayelitsha will probably set a trend throughout
South Africa.
Firstly, I do not think it is a criminal offence to throw
someone with shit, unless you seriously get injured or sick from it. Secondly,
it put Zille’s government in a tight spot because she cannot criminalise this
offence because whose rights were first infringed.
In this regard, it would be the citizens of Khayelitsha. If
Zille makes the case that her dignity was infringed, the citizens in
Khayelitsha’s right to human dignity was first infringed, especially after the
City of Cape Town did not empty the toilets. What I was not able to comprehend
is why Zille, after being warned by the ANCYL and the 2009 toilet saga, decided
to visit Khayelitsha on such a sensitive matter. By just doing this it provoked
Thirdly, all politicians would now be very careful to be
arrogant at community meetings, especially now that citizens have a weapon of
mass destruction. This weapon is more peaceful then violent protest marches but
more disgusting. Instead of burning down the councillors house citizens can
just drench the house with shit. Police will also treat citizens with the
necessary respect because they would be possible targets of this new found
weapon. To be honest I will rather choose a stone over a face full of shit.
Citizens, I hereby urge you to use your new found weapon of
mass destruction; every time you hear a politician talking nonsense flung them
with shit, it seems to be the greatest insult in South Africa.
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